WSB Policy: Mobile Phone

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Global Support Centre Policy

1.    Purpose:

The World Scout Bureau (WSB) mobile phone policy is a guide to mobile phone usage, care and precautions.


2.    Scope and Application:

This policy applies to all WSB full-time staff members appointed in the Global Support Centre, Kuala Lumpur and issued with official handsets, SIM cards and/or the cash allowance for handsets.


Provision of Mobile Phone Handsets and SIM Cards

All existing WSB staff on a long-term contract (3 years or more) shall be provided a mobile handset and SIM card as a once off benefit on September 1st, 2019. Staff benefiting from this will only be eligible for the cash allowance mentioned below as of September 1st, 2022.

New staff joining WSB on a long-term contract or staff renewing a long-term contract shall be provided a one-off USD 500 cash allowance towards purchase of a handset upon joining the World Scout Bureau or at the start of the renewed contract. The handset purchased from this allowance should be able to run WSB’s business apps.

The handset is meant for business but can also be used for reasonable personal purposes. As a consequence, the business applications used by WSB should be installed on the phone. When in doubt, WSB IT will issue specific guidance.


Eligible Mobile Phone Costs

The World Scout Bureau shall provide a corporate subscription to a selected network provider.

The subscription package shall have a plan for local calls and data package as specified in the agreement with the service provider. Personal usage above these limits (including international calls)  is subject to reimbursement by staff unless approved by the line manager.

Staff are encouraged to use Slack or any data plan linked applications such as Skype etc. wherever possible especially when on mission for international travel, keeping the international roaming guidance below into account.


International Roaming

Staff should be cautious in making international calls and using internet data to avoid roaming data charges wherever possible. Instead, wifi or local cellular network (purchasing a local sim card) should be utilised when on mission so that the cost can be reimbursed.


Excessive Personal Usage

Cases of excessive personal usage will be reviewed by the Administration team and costs reimbursed to WSB through payroll deductions.


Staff Responsibility

In case of loss, theft or damage the local WSB Office Administrator should be informed as soon as possible. All repairs or replacements are borne by the staff member.


Safe Keeping

Staff are individually responsible for safe keeping the handset and SIM card.

  • Staff should ensure proper casing and protection of the phone of which the costs shall be borne by staff.
  • Devices must be password protected by utilising security features of the device; a strong password is recommended for business apps.
  • Lock device with a password or PIN when not in use.


3.    Good Mobile Phone Practices:

In general, mobile phones should not be used if they pose a nuisance, security or safety risk eg:

  • while driving.
  • during business meetings for personal purposes.
  • to record confidential information locally on the phone.


4.    Disciplinary Action:

Improper use of mobile phones may result in disciplinary action. Mobile phone usage for illegal or dangerous activity, for purposes of harassment, or in ways that violate the organization’s values may result in employee termination.


5.    Staff Leaving The World Scout Bureau

This applies to existing staff who have been given the handsets on 1st Sept 2019.  On leaving the Bureau before the end of the mobile phone contract cycle, staff are given the option to buy the handset by paying off the remaining contract amount.



Staff Acknowledgement

I have read, understood and acknowledge receipt of the policy outlined above. I agree to comply with the policy and stated operational guidelines and understand that failure to comply with this policy and related guidelines could result in disciplinary action.

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