The Domain Name System (DNS) is an Internet-wide distributed database of names translating Internet Protocol (IP) addresses into easily memorable names. Domain names are part of the identity of the WSB and communicates the WSB’s image and reputation to the public.
Consistent domain usage may also be a tool for users to better locate services; thus, domains should be assigned in an easily recognisable and predictable structure. To ensure that domain names are assigned and used appropriately and in alignment with institutional goals, the WSB has established a policy for governing second and third level domain name registrations. Examples of second-level domain names would be in the form of scout.org, google.com or microsoft.com. Examples of third-level domains names would be in the form of donate.scout.org, services.scout.org.
When a member of the WSB’s community selects a Domain Name for a website, it is possible to unintentionally put the reputation of the WSB at risk. While there may be valid reasons for choosing a Domain Name which does not end with the .scout.org suffix, it is extremely important that those opting to do so understand the implications of that decision.
The intent of this policy is to preserve the reputation of the WSB by ensuring that the Domain Names for websites associated with, or appearing to be associated with, the WSB are named, registered and administered appropriately.
This policy:
- Guides the WSB community when choosing or deciding upon Domain Names for websites associated with the WSB; and
- Establishes initial and ongoing responsibilities associated with such websites.
This policy is for all members of the WSB community in all geographic locations.
A list of terms used throughout this policy are defined in Appendix A.
General Statement
- The Internet identity for the WSB and WOSM is based on the .scout.org internet Domain Name.
- All websites and web services that are provided by the WSB community as part of their official functions, and as part of the mission of the organisation, shall fall within the scout.org domain and sub domain structure or have received an exception to do otherwise and be logged in the Domain Registry List maintained by Communications & Partnerships unit.
- All domain names not in use must be reviewed at least annually for deletion.
- Domain names must be generic and not tied in name to an event. E.g. Worldscoutconference2020 should just be worldscoutconference as this promotes reusability.
- While it is recognized that a majority of the domains are purchased and maintained by the Global Support Centre, KL, in the event a Regional Support Centre needs to purchase a domain on its own, this is allowed under the provision that the Regional Support Centre is required to maintain the domain on their own.
- Where possible, it is recommended that domains purchase be protected by a standard Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificate. Higher levels of SSL may be used if the site is going to store/transmit financial and personal data (e.g. Credit Card Data). If such a scenario exist then an Extended Validation (EV) SSL is recommended.
- When purchasing domains for World Events / Regional Events, it is strongly recommended to enter discussion with the World Events teams to obtain feedback and recommendation on the best path forward. This is to ensure domains purchased are consistently re-used for future events of a similar nature.
In certain circumstances a non-scout.org Domain Name may be required for any number of reasons, including a multi-organisation initiative or a special project. When there is a demonstrated need for a separate non-scout.org Domain Name, the following requirements must be met, and the exception must be approved by the Communications unit.
- Any new non-scout.org domain, sub-domain or a separate domain which is associated with, or can reasonably be assumed to be associated with, the WSB, shall be registered within the Domain Registrar Service provided by Communication Unit, so that the WSB is aware of it.
- The Domain Name owner must provide the Global Director, Partnerships or his/her designate with the following information:
- Chosen Domain Name and intended use
- Name and contact information for the WSB community member responsible for website or web service identified by Domain Name.
- An account code from which registration payments are to be drawn from along with the approval from the budget holder
- For Domain Names that were registered outside of the .scout.org domain prior to this policy being approved, the Domain Name owner must provide the Global Director, Communications or his/her designate with the following information.
- Registered Domain Name and contract term (start and renewal dates).
- Purpose or intent of the website or web service identified by Domain Name.
- Name and contact information of the WSB community member responsible for the registered Domain Name.
- Department Name and Department Head Name.
- Accounting code and approval of the budget holder for the subsequent renewals of the domain.
- For Domain Names that were registered outside the scout.org domain prior to this policy being approved, should a Domain Name owner wish to transfer ownership of the domain to the WSB, the Domain Name owner must provide the Global Director, Communications or his/her designate the following information:
- Domain Name to transfer, domain renewal period, and authorisation codes.
- Domain Name owner MUST ensure the domains are unlocked for transfer.
- An account code from which transfer fee payments and subsequent renewal are to be drawn from along with the approval from the budget holder.
- Any changes to Domain Name registration information must be reported promptly to the Global Director, Communications or his/her designate.
Roles & Responsibilities
Stakeholders |
Responsibilities |
Senior Management Team |
Review, Approve and formally support this policy |
Communications Unit |
Line Managers, Supervisors, Department Heads |
Global Director, Communications and his/her designate |
Policy Distribution & Awareness
This policy and it's supporting policies, standards and guidelines will be published on the WSB Dropbox.
Soft copies of the policy and its supporting policies, standards and guidelines will be available on WSB Staff Support Center.
The IT Personnel and/or the Senior Manager, Digital & IT Services may make periodic policy announcements by email.
WSB line managers will ensure that all existing and new staff, contractors, consultants, interns, volunteers and third-party commercial service providers who report to them are made aware of and have access to the policy and its supporting policies, standards and guidelines.
Individuals requiring clarification on any aspect of the policy and its supporting policies, standards and guidelines and/or advice on general I.T. security matters may email their queries to the Senior Manager, Digital & IT Services or the local IT Personnel.
Exceptions to this Policy
Exceptions to the guiding principles in this policy must be documented and formally approved by the Global Director, Communications , with evidence of support from the appropriate Senior Management Team.
Policy exceptions must describe:
- The nature of the exception.
- A reasonable explanation for why the policy exception is required
- Any risks created by the policy exception.
- Evidence of approval.
Policy Enforcement
The WSB reserves the right to take such action as it deems appropriate against individuals who breach the conditions of this policy. WSB staff, contractors, consultants, interns and volunteers who breach this policy maybe subject to disciplinary action, including suspension and dismissal as provided for in the WSB disciplinary procedure.
Breaches of this policy by a third-party commercial service provider, may lead to the withdrawal of WSB information technology resources to that third party commercial service provider and/or the cancellation of any contract(s) between the WSB and the third-party commercial service provider.
The WSB reserves the right to refer any use of its IT resources for illegal activities to the relevant Authorities.
Review & Update
This policy will be reviewed and updated annually or more frequently if necessary, to ensure any changes to the WSB’s organisation structure and business practices are properly reflected in the policy.
Appendix A: Definitions
DNS: Domain Name Services. A domain name is a series of characters that provides a label for a given Web location other than the actual IP address of that location. Each domain name provides a direct link to the address of a particular Web site.
WSB community members: The WSB community members includes, but is not limited to, WSB Staff Members, Volunteers, Consultants, Interns or any individuals engaged by the WSB for any project, work or activity.