Data protection

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In line with the Global IT Policies the WSB and its staff share a joint responsibility for the protection of personal data. In this respect, staff must also ensure that personal data to which they have access is never disclosed to anyone outside the WSB except in accordance with authorised practice.

For example, information about staff or volunteers (including details of home telephone numbers) must not be disclosed to outside parties.

To help ensure that personal data is protected, staff should:

  • Be particularly cautious when disclosing information over telephone calls and electronic communication;
  • Not leave printed data laying around;
  • Keep your screen access password confidential;
  • Shred particularly sensitive data, ensuring compliance with any document retention policy.

Electronic messages sent must be written in the same professional tone, deal with business-related content, and have undergone the same peer review processes required for any other written communications.

While this reminder focuses on external communications, the statement applies to internal messages as well. Nothing should go into an email or other electronic message that would not be suitable for a paper-based memorandum or other important document.

All staff must read, be familiar with, and adhere to the Data Protection Policy of the World Scout Bureau and related procedures, and complete the Data Privacy and Data Protection e-learning within three (3) months of onboarding. Any questions related to data privacy should be directed to

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