All applications of WOSM’s Corporate Identity (CI) e.g., logo, banners, emblems, images, designs, and pictures must follow the WOSM Corporate Identity Guidelines set by the Global Communications Team.
All WSB staff are required to adhere to non-commercial and commercial licensing requirements as they relate to WOSM-owned brands and designs in their dealings internally or externally with NSOs and partners. It is essential that this policy be strictly adhered to by everyone at the WSB.
The staff is required to assign to the WSB any inventions, patents, developments or improvements she or he might make, conceive or participate in during her or his employment relating to the activities of the WSB, and list any conflicting obligations that she or he might have with others, and to itemise non-confidential descriptions of inventions that were conceived prior to her or his employment and are, therefore, not attributable to the WSB.
All rights, including title, copyright and patent rights, in any work performed or produced by a staff member in the course of her or his duties or with the resources or facilities of the WSB, or which can be shown to be substantially work produced in connection with the performance of her or his duties, shall be vested in or assigned to the WSB and WSB rights in such property shall not be affected by or cease upon a staff member’s separation from service, unless such rights are waived in writing in favour of the staff member concerned.
In waiving such rights, the World Scout Bureau shall consider whether the staff member concerned had access to, or the opportunity and the means to produce the work in question, with the resources and assistance of the WSB in any shape or form and whether it would be in the best interest of the WSB to do so.