WSB Policy: Work Travel

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Supporting NSOs, facilitating and organizing events as well as liaising with partners worldwide is one of the core business elements of the World Scout Bureau. Due to our worldwide membership base, travelling to different locations is therefore inherent to being a staff member at WSB.



This policy defines the procedure and scope for coverage of work related travel expenses for the World Scout Bureau employees. This document serves as guidance and in exceptional situations which are not covered by this policy; the employee should consult his/her line manager.



The Global Travel policy ensures that all business travel for the World Scout Bureau is booked and undertaken in a simple, safe, and financially responsible way.


Applies to

To ensure a common approach to handling travels across our different Offices, this policy applies to all employees of the World Scout Bureau.

Travellers, who are non-World Scout Bureau employees must follow this travel guideline if WSB covers the cost. To facilitate this, travellers are encouraged to book through WSB or online booking tool, if possible.



This list contains definitions of abbreviations and terms used in this document.




World Scout Bureau


Secretary General


Regional Director(s)


Global Director(s)


Senior Management Team


an approved travel of a staff member for a particular objective, with a clear budget estimation, which aligns with the annual budget allocations (including those covered under external funded projects).


Online Conferencing

Employees should always consider whether an online conferencing via online communication tools may constitute a satisfactory alternative to actual travelling.


Roles and responsibilities

The WSB pays all reasonable business travel expenses, which employees are expected to spend on normal terms during missions without experiencing any personal financial loss. The amount of the expenses incurred should reflect good business practice and judgment and be kept as low as possible. Travel expenses that are not necessary to carry out work related tasks or which cover private expenses are not to be reimbursed.

All employees are responsible for correct reporting of their travel expenses, as well as for their timely submission of their expense reports to the Finance Department.

Employees shall use the corporate credit card, if available, for business travel expenses, whenever possible.


Travel authorisation process

Step 1 – ensuring the need with line manager

  • The WSB only supports travel for business if there is a specific need to do A “need” is identified based on priorities and objectives of the World Scout Bureau and the Regional or World Triennial Plans or in response to an emergency.
  • A travel request is therefore established based on a discussion between the staff member and the line manager, with clear objectives for a proposed mission.
  • The concerned RD is informed by the traveller of the mission in his constituency. This step also provides an opportunity for the RD to give guidance for the mission from the Regional perspective.
  • A budget estimation is developed by the staff member (including estimated flight fare, accommodation, and other applicable expenses).
  • It is the line manager’s responsibility to subsequently ensure the budget estimation fits within the overall budget, keeping into account other required (travel) commitments in the future.
  • This information is compiled into the WSB Travel Authorisation Form and submitted for approval to the WSB Senior Management Team (SMT) member of the respective staff member.

Step 2 – endorsement and approval

  • Each travel authorisation form and any annexes going with it are subsequently:
    • approved by the SMT member responsible for respective region/unit; and
    • approved by the SG for travels of SMT members and staff members of the Global Support Centre in Kuala Lumpur.

Step 3 – booking, processing, reporting

  • After approval is acquired, bookings (flights, accommodation, others) related to this mission are finalised.
  • The travel authorisation is filed with the respective Finance team in the concerned WSB Office, who ensures that all expenses related to the mission are charged accordingly to the instructions on the form.
  • After returning from the mission, staff are required to ensure reporting (both financially and on content level if applicable). A mission report or a “Note-To-File” must be completed within one week. For the financial reporting of travel; the Corporate Credit Card must follow the timeline of the Corporate Credit Card policy. Cash expenses to be prepared within a week after return.


Eligible travel expenses covered by the World Scout Bureau

Air travel

All flight bookings should be made as early as possible and as a minimum 2 weeks in advance as it generally qualifies a saving on the fare.

The WSB covers the most cost-effective flight connection with a reputable air carrier.

  • “Cost-effective” means the most economic economy class ticket available on a regular or low-cost carrier, where the layover in a transit airport is no longer than 4 hours.
  • “Reputable” means the WSB recommends wherever possible that employees travel on airliners with at least a 5/7 safety rating on
  • A more flexible economy class ticket could be approved if this is required for planning of multiple missions or other justifications
  • Any changes to the ticket for private reasons are not covered by Staff members may change their tickets for private reasons at their own personal expense, if this does not affect the objectives of the mission.
  • Business class flight tickets are not covered by Individuals may upgrade from economy to business class on their own personal expense, or use their personal accumulated frequent flyer points, if they wish.
  • Benefits of the Frequent Flyers and Loyalty airlines programs are left for the benefit of the staff members. This; however, should not affect the choice of the most cost-effective carrier or become a reason to choose a company rather than another.
  • Changes to the ticket are usually associated with significant additional costs and should be avoided as much as possible. Exceptional cases are approved at the discretion of the Regional or Global directors for their respective units. Alternatively, if flexibility is a requirement due to the nature of the mission, a more flexible ticket can be opted for after explicit approval of the Regional or Global Director concerned.
  • Excess baggage is not covered by the WSB unless this has been agreed in advance in writing with the Regional or Global Director concerned.
  • When a large number group is travelling to the same event, bookings should be made on different carriers avoiding that all staff members are on the same flight. This way the impact on the objectives of the mission is limited in case of flight delay, cancellation or otherwise.

Train travel

If appropriate, the WSB covers the most cost-effective train connection, which should however never cost more than an economy airfare ticket for the same routing


Sea / private car travel

If explicitly mentioned on the travel authorisation form and required for the mission, travel by private car or sea can be approved.


On site travel

WSB staff should always consider the total cost and safety of transportation when selecting the means for ground transportation (public transportation, car, taxi etc.). Whenever convenient, safe, and regular public transport options are available to get to/from airports, hotels and meeting venues, WSB staff are encouraged to use these. When such option is not available or unpractical, WSB staff may use taxi to/from airports."



It is the responsibility of the employee who is travelling to a destination to obtain a visa if required. The WSB will assist with respect of invitation letters and will bear all the costs. The WSB will also bear the costs associated to airport tax, and exit stamp, when and where applicable.


Accommodation & meals

Accommodation & meals are covered by WSB during an approved mission between the moment of departure of and return to the home airport. The home airport is determined based on the WSB Office the employee is assigned to, unless the senior executive of that location decides otherwise.

The appropriate amount to be spent on accommodation & meals depends on the cost-of- living in the country visited. As a general guideline on maximum expenditure, please refer to the monthly foreign per diem updates of WHO/UN, and take 75% of the mentioned amounts. The costs should be reasonable and if there are special situations, the SG/RD are able to make exceptions.

Alcohol, minibar items, laundry expenses, entertainment expenses, travel expenses for spouses or significant others are not covered by WSB. In case these are accidentally included in receipts they will be privately charged back to the employee concerned.


Travel insurance

Each WSB Office ensures appropriate medical and travel insurance for employees during a mission, which includes repatriation to the country where the home WSB Office is located in case of emergency.


Vaccinations and other preparations

If travels to certain countries require compulsory vaccination or as recommended by health authorities in the country where the home office is located, such and any similar compulsory preparatory costs shall be borne by WSB. It is the employee’s responsibility to check the vaccination requirements for the future destination, and to arrange for vaccination.



All costs regarding issuance of a passport and renewal / extension of a passport are covered by the WSB for employees on frequent business travel. The duration of the validity of the passport is subject to approval of the line manager, where applicable.


Extraordinary expenses

  • Small laundry expenses (on missions less than 5 days) is considered to be covered through the per diem allowance (see below). Laundry expenses (after 5 days) is covered on receipt base only.
  • Limited Roaming costs for using Corporate Phone can be The standard approach should be using WiFi or buying a local sim card, it is usually the most economic and convenient way during travels.
  • Reasonable internet connection expense for business use at the accommodation venue can be covered by WSB on receipt base, if the internet service is not
  • Any other extra-ordinary expenses for a mission should be mentioned in the budget estimation of the mission concerned and are therefore handled in the travel authorisation process.


Per diem, corporate advances and corporate credit card

The WSB implements a combination of per diem and pay-on-receipt for which a system of corporate advances and corporate credit cards are in place to avoid as much as possible that the employee has to advance expenses privately

Per diem

  • For regular missions, the WSB awards to the employee 20 USD per full day of the mission. This per diem is intended for small out-of-pocket expenses where it is not always possible to have individual receipts.
  • Out-of-pocket expenses included in the per diem are small laundry expenses, drinks, water, coffee, and other general small expenses (below 5 USD) without ready receipts (e.g. short taxi rides / public transport)

Advances & corporate credit cards

  • Other “Eligible Travel Expenses” not covered by “Per diem” are advanced or reimbursed to the employee concerned.
    • On the discretion of the senior executive in each WSB Office, a corporate credit card can be allocated to staff who frequently travels to avoid a constant process of advances and reporting. In such case, the usage and reporting of the card has to be in line with the WSB Corporate Credit Card
    • If the employee has no corporate credit card, an advance will be disbursed by WSB to the employee based on the estimation of expenses provided in the travel authorisation.
  • After completing the mission, all employees are expected to complete financial reporting on the mission within one In case of an advance, any balance, should be settled to/from WSB based on the financial report filed.



  • In emergency situations, employees must call the appropriate authorities (police, ambulance or fire department) at the destination.
  • In case of serious injuries or illness, employees shall try to call the travel insurance Company’s emergency number.
  • In all cases of emergencies, the respective office of the WSB must be informed


Recommended additional responsibilities for traveling WSB Staff

Prior to the trip, familiarize yourselves with the specific destination

  • Obtain information about the destination
  • Follow recommendations of local colleagues in the host country
  • Always keep emergency numbers handy

If required or upon discretion of RD/GD, complete a Safe from Harm briefing before engaging in professional travel for WSB.

Submit a “Note-To-File” report to the line manager with copy to the SMT member within one week of completion of travel



  1. Any exception to this travel policy needs written prior approval by the SG/RD/GD before the travel is undertaken.
  2. For extra budgetary travels the SMT members should clearly identify which other budget line or funding source will cover the costs and get a written prior approval from the SG.


Category: Human Resources
Edition Number: 2
Approved by: Senior Management Team
Approval date: 6 November 2017
Effective date: 15 November 2017
Last reviewed date:  
Next review date: Annual review / when and if necessary, if earlier
Policy sponsor: Global Director, Finance & Admin, Secretary General
Policy administrator: Global Chief of Staff

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