Learning and development

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The WSB considers staff training programmes and other learning as important opportunities to enhance the knowledge, competencies and skills towards reaching their career goals and realising their full potential. Staff will be provided with opportunities for self-development through internal and external training programmes and learning opportunities. The purpose will be to improve their knowledge and skills to enable them to carry out their responsibilities efficiently and to enable career progression.

Staff and line managers will during the WSB Performance Management System identify opportunities for training needs and career development plans. Support for training and learning needs can be wholly or partially sponsored by the WSB. Sponsoring is subject to budget availability with the conditions to be considered depending on the type of training. Such sponsoring will be recommended by the line manager and approval by the Senior Management Team member of each support centre.

Each staff is responsible for his or her professional development. Staff should discuss their learning goals and opportunities for professional development and training with their line manager during the end-year and mid-term performance appraisal meetings. The primary way of learning will be through on-the-job training, learning from others, the intercultural setting the WSB offers and through independent study. WSB shall endeavour to offer the opportunity for staff to progress in developing their personal and professional capabilities.


Tuition refund programme

In certain instances where the line manager and staff member identify an opportunity through the performance appraisal process for continuing education to enhance a staff member’s role and performance, the WSB can consider professional development support for tuition and education with a specific agreement. Such refund will be recommended by the line manager and approval considered by the Senior Management Team member of each support centre depending on budget availability.


External language training

Upon request and if in line with the staff member’s role, financial contribution or time may be granted to support staff in taking additional language courses.

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