Safety at work

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The WSB will provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions, equipment and systems of work for all staff, temporary staff, consultants, volunteers, and visitors to the WSB’s premises. The WSB management will ensure that all necessary information, training, and supervision will be provided for this purpose.

The WSB is committed to taking all reasonably practical action in developing systems to ensure the health and safety of its staff and users of the WSB’s premises. It aims to safeguard staff and users of the premises from injury and health hazards, to prevent damage to property, and actively promote the health and safety of staff through the development, implementation, and monitoring of positive strategies.

Staff participation in the establishment and maintenance of a safe and healthy work environment is strongly encouraged. The WSB will provide all necessary information, instruction, training, and supervision to stimulate interest and concern amongst all staff and users of the premises regarding health and safety at work. In the event of emergencies, instructions given by Human Resource staff, First Aid and CPR trained staff, or public authorities must be followed.


Application of health and safety measures

In applying these procedures, the WSB will:

  • Train management and staff as appropriate in relevant health, safety, and well-being issues, safe working practices and systems;
  • Ensure competent persons who have sufficient knowledge and training are available to advise on health and safety matters; communicate to staff and visitors fire regulations, safety rules, and warnings of temporary or permanent hazards;
  • Ensure all property and equipment are kept in good working condition and free from hazards, being regularly serviced and maintained;
  • Keep and maintain accurate records of accidents, injuries, dangerous occurrences, and known exposure to health risks at work and the costs thereof; inform the appropriate enforcement authorities of reportable injuries, diseases, and dangerous occurrences;
  • Investigate all accidents and dangerous occurrences to ascertain their cause; take all appropriate measures to ensure that there is no repetition;
  • Ensure the health and well-being of staff during working hours by prohibiting smoking in the workplace and restricting the consumption of alcohol on the WSB’s premises during working hours to approved social events;
  • Make staff aware of what action they can take to ensure their own personal safety within their work environment.
  • Support the health and well-being of staff by offering different flexible, hybrid (virtual and in-person) and remote working arrangements to accommodate the reality of working across time zones, as well as work after hours and on weekends.
  • Provide a suitable office and work environment that supports the physical and mental health and well-being of staff.



Staff are expected to assume responsibility for the security of the organisation’s property and proprietary information that is entrusted to the staff in the course of their employment as well as their own personal property.

On no account should cash or personal valuables be left in a desk or cabinet overnight. Similarly, any items of a personal nature, e.g., handbags or briefcases, should not be left unattended.

Security and safety of staff during authorized missions are described in the WSB Global Travel Policy.


Accidents at work

If a staff suffers or witnesses an accident or personal injury while at work, no matter how slight that accident is, or whether or not treatment is required, it must be reported to the line manager and the local human resources office so that necessary action may be taken.


Non-smoking workplace

The WSB recognises the health risks associated with both smoking and second-hand smoking and seeks to reduce these by providing a smoke-free environment in all offices. Smoking is only permitted in specifically designated outdoor areas and consideration will be given to smokers leaving the building to smoke during breaks and lunch times. Failure to comply will result in disciplinary action.


Substance abuse or misuse

Given the WSB’s commitment to providing excellence in service and educational support to young people, staff are expected to always conduct themselves in a manner that enhances this commitment. This commitment ensures that the WSB employs a workforce, which is free from the adverse effects of alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, or legal drugs obtained illegally or taken for the purposes of abuse.

The WSB views alcohol and drug misuse or dependency primarily as a health problem that requires medical or psychological treatment. Any staff who is identified as possibly suffering from an alcohol or drug problem or dependency will receive the same consideration and treatment that is extended for other illnesses and the WSB will, where appropriate, offer support and may make arrangements for the individual to obtain treatment or counselling.

If staff feel that they may need assistance with drug or alcohol related problems, they should raise this with their line manager or the local human resources office. If the WSB believes that a staff has an alcohol or drug problem, and she or he refuses to accept referral or discontinue a course of treatment before its completion, she or he will be subject to disciplinary action.

While the WSB intends for staff suffering from illnesses associated with alcohol and drug abuse or misuse to receive the same benefits as those offered for other illnesses, insured benefits are subject to the insurer’s approval.


Physical and mental illness

The WSB is committed to supporting and ensuring the health and well-being of staff that may experience or suffer from illnesses of any form, including mental illness. If staff become ill from health conditions such as communicable diseases, physical ailments or mental illness, and need to take time off work to recover, they are encouraged to discuss their needs with their line manager or local human resource office.

During this process, staff and line managers may consult the insurance benefits to determine the level of coverage for illnesses, and the WSB leave policy which outlines the conditions and arrangements for hospitalization, short-term sick leave and prolonged absence from work.

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