Clear desk and screen

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The clear desk and screen practices aims at reducing the risks of unauthorised access to, or loss of, or damage to, information. Staff should:

  • Use the appropriate facilities (e.g., filing cabinets and cupboards) in the office in which, depending on their security classification, computer media and paper files are stored and locked away;
  • Lock away sensitive information in a fireproof safe;
  • Switch off personal computers when not in use and use locks, passwords, and similar protective measures to present access;
  • Use a password protected sleep mode on your computer that is automatically activated between 3 to 5 minutes of inactivity;
  • Protect and supervise incoming and outgoing mail collection points so that letters cannot be stolen or lost
  • Switch off photocopiers outside of working hours
  • All printers should be cleared of papers as soon as they are printed which helps to ensure that sensitive documents are not left in printer trays for the wrong person to pick up.

It is also worth noting that information left on desks is also more likely to be damaged or destroyed in a disaster such as fire, flood, or explosion.


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