Grievances and appeals

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A grievance is a feeling of resentment over something believed to be wrong or unfair.


Resolving grievances

  1. In the first instance, staff and line managers should discuss and resolve work-related concerns, disputes, and grievances.
  2. Wherever feasible, staff should approach their line manager with their concerns or complaints regarding an administrative decision. If this is not feasible, or does not bring a resolution, the staff member should bring the issue to the attention of the next-in-line manager and/or to the local human resources office.
  3. It is expected that staff and their line manager will make all efforts in good faith to solve concerns or complaints regarding grievances with the assistance of the local human resources office where appropriate.

Right to appeal

If a satisfactory solution cannot be reached, an aggrieved staff member may file a formal appeal regarding a grievance to Throughout this handbook all such appeals should be directed to The Global Human Resources Director and one other WSB staff member, so designated by the Secretary General, will monitor this mailbox.

If adversely affected by an administrative decision, she or he may directly appeal within thirty days of the decision. The appeal must be based on alleged non-observance of the terms of appointment, or the term “decision” shall for the purpose of the provisions relating to administrative decisions, where the context so requires, be interpreted to also include any action or inaction.

  1. An appeal against an administrative decision shall not suspend the implementation of the contested decision.
  2. In relation to decisions on non-confirmation of appointment, the appeal must be submitted within fifteen calendar days of the staff member being informed of such decision.
  3. In cases where a staff member has requested a decision and no response was communicated to the staff member, an appeal shall be presented within sixty days, counted from the date which the staff member has requested the decision.


Review of the appeal

Upon receipt of a formal appeal at, the Secretary General will be informed who will nominate a special panel to review the appeal.

The panel will consist of at least two members from outside of the team where the complaint was raised, including if appropriate an individual from outside the World Scout Bureau.

The special panel will review the appeal and make recommendations to the Secretary General within sixty calendar days. The panel can request a one-time extension to complete its review. Once endorsed by the Secretary General, the recommendations are considered final and can not be further appealed.

If a formal appeal relates directly to the Secretary General, the matter will be handled in line with the WOSM Complaints Policy.

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