Staff performance management

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The WSB has established a staff performance appraisal system to which all staff are expected to adhere. For more details, please refer to the WSB Performance Management Process booklet.

Staff performance shall be appraised in accordance with established procedures and should always occur in a respectful and safe environment for both the staff member and line manager. The performance of a staff member may be evaluated and appraised more frequently when considered appropriate.

The system for evaluating staff performance and achievements during the full year appraisal cycle shall be completed by a staff member’s direct line manager and a second reporting officer where applicable.

A consistent and high-performance rating achieved over the years may form the basis for change in compensation, or opportunity for promotion. In the event of an unsatisfactory performance rating, staff may be placed on a formal performance improvement plan. The line manager in consultation with the local human resources team shall advise the staff member:

  1. that her or his performance is falling short of expectations
  2. of the deficiencies in her or his performance
  3. the standards she or he must attain to maintain her or his employment
  4. the performance improvement plan to be put in place to enhance staff performance
  5. of the specified period in which to demonstrate satisfactory performance
  6. that unless there is significant improvement within the stated period of time, her or his appointment may be terminated.

A review of a staff member’s performance shall be held towards the end of the stated performance review. Following this review, the line manager shall advise the local human resources team whether a staff member has achieved a satisfactory standard of performance.




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