Vision for the Future of Work

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The One World Scout Bureau aspires to be an innovative and flexible global organisation driven by values that offers our people an opportunity to do rewarding and fulfilling work. Our workplace is people-centered, diverse and inclusive, offering a supportive learning environment to develop and grow professionally.

One WSB Future of Work Objectives

  • To promote a culture that is diverse and inclusive
  • To embrace innovation and offer continuous learning opportunities
  • To empower and enable teams to do rewarding and fulfilling work
  • To offer flexible working arrangements


Future of Work Projects

To offer flexible working arrangements
  • Hybrid Working: An initiative to implement a hybrid working arrangement that will enable all One WSB teams the opportunity to split their workweek between working from the office and remotely, and to enable staff the flexibility to shift their working hours.
  • Remote Working: An initiative to implement a remote working arrangement that will enable One WSB staff the opportunity to work from their home country or other locations for a defined period during the year.
  • Staff Rotation Programme: An initiative to offer opportunities for a number of One WSB staff each year to relocate to work from a different Support Centre.
  • WorkplaceCollaboration and Teamwork: An initiative to explore how we can better adapt our Global and Regional Support Centres for teamwork, collaboration and hybrid working.
To empower and enable teams to do rewarding and fulfilling work
  • Volunteer Opportunities: An initiative to promote a culture of volunteerism among all One WSB teams by encouraging staff to use their allocation of leave days for volunteering.
  • Learning from NSOs: An initiative to offer opportunities for staff to work from an NSO office for a period of the year to better understand the needs and realities of our membership, and the impact of their work.
  • Updated Staff Handbook: An initiative to revamp the staff handbook to reflect new realities of working and bring more visibility and clarity to One WSB staff on grading, title, remuneration, allowances & promotion and leaves.
  • Recognition System: An initiative to develop a system that will strengthen recognition and motivation among One WSB staff beyond promotion and remuneration.
To embrace innovation and offer continuous learning opportunities
  • On-boarding Experience: An initiative to redesign and improve the on-boarding experience for new employees across Global and Regional Support Centres, ensuring all new staff experience Scouting’s unique culture and are equipped to be successful in their roles from day one.
  • Thematic Team 2.0: An initiative to review and revitalise the Thematic Teams to ensure they act as communities of practice that are better enabled to share knowledge, exchange good practices and promote ideas in a supportive continuous learning environment.
  • ContinuousOrganisational Learning: An initiative to create a culture of organisational learning by implementing a knowledge management system across the Bureau and making better use of data in decision-making.
  • Professional Development: An initiative to offer a programme of professional development and career growth opportunities for One WSB staff, and to further develop a One WSB competency model with training for line managers for implementation.
  • Inspiring Innovation: An initiative to inspire a culture of innovation across the organisation by developing an innovation strategy for the One WSB, and offering a platform to enable staff to bring forward innovative ideas and initiatives.
To promote a culture that is diverse and inclusive
  • Equality and Leadership: An initiative to identify and address barriers to gender equality within the One WSB, and foster a culture of inclusive and shared leadership among all One WSB staff.
  • One WSB for All: An initiative to foster a culture of inclusivity, greater participation in decision-making, and transparency around the sharing information at all levels of the One WSB.
  • Multilingual WSB: An initiative to promote multilingualism within the One WSB by assessing the capacity for staff to communicate effectively in official WOSM languages, and offering educational opportunities for staff to become more proficient in both official and working WOSM languages.

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